The Local Authority (LA) is responsible for the Admission Policy for nursery schools and classes.
The LA reserves the right to give priority for admission to a child with exceptional social, medical or educational needs. Any full time places are allocated using the LA criteria.
Most children are admitted in September after a child's third birthday. If there are places available throughout the year, children who are 'rising threes' and awaiting a place, will be admitted following the criteria.
Children are entitled to a part time place which consists of 15 hours per week. These hours are divided into two full days and one half day on a Wednesday.
When a nursery has more applications for part time places than there are places available, the following criteria shall apply:
Children who are Looked After (LAC) or Previously Looked After (PLAC) by Birmingham City Council
3-4 Year Old Provision
To check if your child is eligible for a 30 hour place please follow the link below:
Two Year Old Provision
West Heath Nursery School follow the guidance as set out by the government and Birmingham Local Authority to offer places to eligible two year old children.
Two Year Old Eligibility Checker
There are currently 24 part-time places for 2 year old children. Where there are more applications than places available the same criteria as for 3 year old children will be applied as stated above.
Please click here to see a short video about the 15 hours free places for 2 year olds in Birmingham.