Jen Brinkworth is the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo)  and Assistant Head Teacher.  She works with children, teachers, parents and various agencies to ensure that children with special educational needs have their needs met.

Jen can be contacted on 0121 475 2672

If she is not available please leave a message or email her on 


Below are some documents that detail what West Heath Nursery School has to offer if your child have Special Educational Needs.


***Contact details for SENAR***

Please note the NEW contact details if you need to get in touch with the SENAR team who will ensure your enquiry is dealt with in a timely manner.

Families who would like to speak to someone about their child, please call our Parent Link Service on  0121 303 8461 or email


Birmingham City Council's Local Offer can be found at 



Our SEND Information Report

SEN Information Report WHNS 2023-24



Accessibility Plan

Please click here to view our Accessibility Plan



SEND Policy



SEND Provision Map

Please click here to view our SEND Provision Map